Sunday, April 11, 2010

Persistence Is Paying Off

My dad built these two garden beds out of reclaimed wood from a friends old gazebo! One of them has a bench for things like pots with seedlings and Stella. I picked my first Sweet Basil harvest today. My dad is making Bruschetta with it! Can't wait to eat some.

This is the bed that all of my seedlings are in. I can't believe they've made it this far! It only took three times...
The other bed has plants that I bought at the nursery. My tomato plant is already flowering!! Experiencing all this growth is almost overwhelming. I'm amazed daily by God's design.

Cameron built this compost tumbler for me for Valentine's Day.  I filled it up already, note the pile next to it waiting for it's turn to be tumbled. These are all reclaimed materials, again, so the garden beds and tumbler cost us $0! I'm so thankful for my crafty husband and father :-)

Azaleas are in full bloom! These are my neighbor's. The mini lighter pink blooms are my favorite. They are really small and the perfect shade of pink for me. I might have to go to the nursery and buy a few bushes for myself.

I'm still in awe that my plants are thriving. Every day that something doesn't die is a huge accomplishment. Gardening is so rewarding. If I'm feeling stressed or overwhelmed I go to my garden. It's been a dream of mine for YEARS to have a garden, but unfortunately my high school social life got in the way. Then work, moving to Charlotte, pregnancy....but alas! we are finally somewhat settled and I can take solace in my urban farm. I call myself an urban farmer, by the way. I was going to keep it to myself until I actually harvest something, but I have hope that one day I can go to a farmers market and sell my surplus like the Dervaes family. Call/e-mail me if you ever want to visit. I have big plans for our backyard this year!


  1. Great job :) I've actually been thinking about doing a small plot of a couple veggies

  2. You should! I'm hoping to have a great harvest and have a surplus, so if I have extra of anything I'll let you know :)

  3. Sabrina, you're sooo inspiring. :) I want to do this sooo bad, but at this house I really can't, since I know my sister's dog would ruin it all (as she has many many times before). I want to get a house of my own so bad to do this. I need my life to slow down a lot, work and school are so overwhelming, and I miss spending all my time with my baby boy. :( May 1st needs to come faster so I can have a little bit of a break! I miss you. <3
