Friday, October 8, 2010

A Call To Arms

I'm easily bogged down by the constant reminder of how whacked out or society is. Whether it's a news article, blog post, or a public episode I want to jump to action and changed the world. When I realize that I am one little lady, with an even littler  lady on my hip, who has a mountain of laundry to fold - I get so down and discouraged and want to give up on this what seems to be hopeless world. I don't have the greatest sense of humor and what usually gets me by is a sentimental flicker of hope (or someone else's sense of humor) Two recent experiences reminded me there IS a point to being an advocate (in my case for natural parenting).

I met a pregnant woman and decided to get over my insecurities, introduce myself, and tell her I was very passionate about and somewhat experienced with breastfeeding and if she had any questions or needed any support that I was here for her. She had sort of a negative view about breastfeeding, and willingly let me inform her how fantastic the whole experience is. I made sure to tell her if she decided to try it there would most likely be obstacles and days where you want to give up. (Mastitis UGGG) I have had plenty for sure! She was excited to have another woman her age that is experiencing being a "younger" mother tell her all of this information and we exchanged e-mails. She may not try, but the exciting part backbone is getting stronger and stronger! I get so worried I'm going to offend someone that I lose out on oppurtunities to form relationships and serve other women.

About a week later, I was walking through Target and had Stella in the Moby. It was close to nap time and I wanted to prevent an outbreak. I noticed a woman with an infant carrier attached to her cart eyeing us, so I smiled at her. She walked past, came back and asked, "Is that a Moby?" She was really frustrated because she couldn't figure out how to use it and Target wasn't letting her return it. I gave her some pointers and offered to show her how. I told her how I could nurse Stella while grocery shopping which really turned her on to keeping it which led to telling her about La Leche League meetings. We both walked away feeling much more confident.

So ladies, don't be ashamed to nurse & wear your baby or toddler in public. We are walking billboards that will boost breastfeeding and natural birth rates. Living out our passions is how more women will consider questioning vaccines, choosing chiropractic care, attempting a homebirth or VBAC, and saying no to chemical laden and GMO foods. Resist the urge to be in the closet about the lifestyle choices you've made. Think about tobacco free advocates and all they have gone through and accomplished. Make yourself available for help whether or not you have degree at the end of your name. We may not be the pros, but we know where to get valid information and support.

MOST IMPORTANTLY! Remember to be compassionate. At some point we have all been ignorant, confused or full of pride. Your example is the best witness. A woman is more likely to approach you if you make eye contact and  flash that beautiful smile. God will bring people to you especially if you are willing to serve and love.

My husband said it best to me the other day (in regard to our decision to bedshare), "You really shouldn't doubt yourself and the decisions you've made all the time."
Yes, this is the (improper) use of a Moby Wrap so my husband could play video games.