Saturday, May 8, 2010


Mother's Day has always been uncomfortable for me. I've never been able to relate to the cliché imagery the holiday is marketed with. I'm not a warm fuzzy kind of gal. I anticipated that my heart would soften this year with the arrival of my daughter. I've been a teary-eyed emotional wreck all week thinking about how blessed I am being a mom. My Canary makes every day seem like Mother's Day, Christmas, and my birthday all wrapped up into one

My heart did soften, but not just because of Stella.Things haven't always been picture perfect for my mom and I. Actually, sometimes, they've been extremely rough. Sometimes it seemed like our relationship would always be a challenge, but lately it's been amazing. I can't really explain how it evolved. 

Here's a secret, I've known for years that my firstborn daughter, Stella, would be what sparked the complete restoration of mine and my mom's bond.  I didn't know when or how it would happen, I just knew it would. It was a glimmer of hope God gave me in my adolescence. Call me crazy, it's okay. It has taken this experience for me to realize how great my mom's love is for me and despite her weaknesses (cause, ya know, she's a human too!) she is the perfect mom for me. God knew what he was doing! 
I'm telling you all this because sometimes things seem so hopeless. It seems like no one cares or understands. It's hard to accept that things happen the way they do and to find peace in the truth that all things work together for good. BUT, God cares, understands and thankfully redeems our broken hearts and relationships and I want you to have hope, too.

Finally, on Mother's Day, I can say with a bright smile and pride that I honor and love my mother. I am overflowing with praise and thanks for my beautiful daughter, God's vessel for bringing us closer together.