Tuesday, June 14, 2011


I am 38 weeks today! I can't believe it. I'm pretty comfortable and content. I have the typical end of pregnancy annoyances, but I'm still really enjoying this. As much as I want to see and meet him I'm not ready to share him with the rest of the world!  Besides the very dark, sad days I had in the beginning (and my ridiculously huge butt), I have nothing to complain about.

I don't know what the point of this post is, I keep writing and deleting paragraphs because my thoughts are all over the place. What do I really want to right about? There's always something bothering me and I don't want to always be writing about what bothers me.

"You're really going to do it at home?" "Why not just go to the hospital?"

I want to reply, "You are really going to the hospital?" . Instead I reply this way: "You know how uncomfortable the thought of giving birth at home makes you? Well, multiply that discomfort times 10 and that is how I feel about a low risk woman birthing in a hospital. It really worries me."  I try not to have the former "rude" mentality because I remember three years ago when home birth was an outrageous idea to me. I've been asking myself....how did I get here? When Cameron married me, he wasn't marrying a natural birth and back to basics enthusiast. I used to tell say things like this:

"If I ever have get pregnant it's going to be a scheduled cesarean and tummy tuck."
"If we have kids, I won't be able to clean up their puke, you'll have to do it."
"We're waiting at least 5-10 years to even think about kids. But we probably won't have any"
"Breastfeeding?! Weird! I wouldn't want a baby sucking on my boob!!!"
"Breastfeeding past infancy! There's something wrong with that mother."
"I hate kids."
"Newborns are ugly. They all look like aliens."
''If, if we ruin our lives by having kids, I demand a nanny."

There's more, but I'm already disgusted with my old self enough, so let's move on. Considering the previous statements, Cameron probably never thought his wife would say things like:

''I will have you deliver my baby on the side of the road before I go back to a hospital."
"I'm  going to breastfeed our kids and letting them self wean."
''We need to practice our Hypnobabies cues!" (self hypnosis, not the trance-like stuff you see on TV, it's essentially deep relaxation techniques)
''I can't decide what kind of cloth diaper I want!! Can I have one of each!?"
"We don't need to buy a crib."
"Are we going to circumcise our son? How do you feel about missing part of your penis without your consent?"
"I could stay awake all night just to watch her sleep."
"I'm going to blend thumb size parts of my placenta in a smoothie after the birth! You can't even taste it!"

Poor guy. I think he's happy though. And relieved. Actually, he told me after we had Stella that he was relieved. I don't think anyone expected me to transition to motherhood well. Or at all.
You see, I didn't set out to be "this type" of a person or mom. I'm my worst fear come true. I wear black leggings almost every day (sexy version of sweatpants, in my opinion.) I think of my child before myself most of the time! Weird! Seriously...it's really weird! I block the whole aisle with the race car shopping cart. For 6 months straight all of my shirts and bras smelled like breast milk. I feed my child with my breasts, in public. Anywhere. Anytime. I pick her nose, wipe her but, and clean up her vomit. I don't have a nanny and unless I have multiples in the future, probably never will. I spend 80 % of my free time educating myself on how to give my family the best and keep them as healthy as possible?!

Why am I saying all of this? Those are normal things that parents should do, right? Right. But Sabrina Hlavaty wasn't going to do those things, even if she was paid to! So why am I doing them? I don't know. I really don't. It's a miracle. It just started happening. Thanks to the example of other women who were taken captive by the miracle of motherhood, I was able to follow my instincts and do what makes sense for our family -which is usually not the norm or culturally accepted.

For once in my life I am confidently trusting God and getting things done. I'm so ready to do this all again. I am still really anxiety and fear free about my body giving birth the way it's supposed to. Seriously. Birth is a rite of passage. I can't wait to experience it to the fullest! Not strapped down by tubes, monitors and hospital protocol. Not surrounded by strangers. My dad's room, in my childhood home, will forever hold the memory of his first grandson being born. Every birth is one, but we will witness a miracle in the purest form and safest way possible for us.

Yes, I am really giving birth at home. I'm not a saint, just a woman, fully embracing the coolest gift God gave me....participating with Him and my life mate in giving life.


  1. (sexy version of sweatpants, in my opinion.)...love it.

  2. Love every bit of this sooo much..probably because it sounds EXACTLY like me. Good job, mama..& I tried to make my hospital birth as much like home experience as possible. Maybe next time I will actually get to be at home. Especially since hospital messed up my birthing plan after going through 2nd shift of nurses/drs , tossing out my umbilical cord/placenta, cutting cord too soon, whiaking baby away from me & giving her eyedrops..she was coveres in vernix..but, I didnt care..i would have been fine holding my slippery little vernix covered baby ..thats what I wanted, doesnt gross me out. & when I told nurses I was wanting to keep my placenta & had a specialist to come pick it up..they gave me so much crap..& was disgusted by the idea. :/ I had an overall good experience..amazing labor &birth..i juat wish things would have gone a little differently..& I didnt get the pictures I wanted or video of actual birth :( youre so lucky!! ~ so amazing how great of a mother you are..you are an inspiration and role model to many.
