Back to eating breakfast. I've been learning so much lately. More about food and health. I had noticed that a lot of people in the "natural" community were gluten or grain free (or at least limiting grains) and not just forced into it because of allergies, but by choice. I thought it was insane. Of course, I asked why and started searching. Wasn't bread a staple since Biblical times...Jesus ate bread!? I already knew the modern white, refined flours, sugars, etc weren't good food choices. I hated wheat bread as a kid. Even the stuff that isn't really true multi-grain bread. I thought that by baking my own bread I was doing better, using half all purpose white flour and half wheat. Nope. I don't want to get into it here too much. There are plenty of sources for educating yourselves about it.
So, our next baby step was to continue reducing refined foods, this time focusing on narrowing it down more and more. I had done things like replaced our pasta with whole wheat kind thinking you know, that was a good move. Maybe it was for the time being, but it is also currently out and not on the approved grocery list. Stella and I still eat jasmine rice almost daily at breakfast, and I don't know when or if that will change. I hate brown rice. I just don't enjoy it. I would rather not eat rice. Baby steps.
What do we eat? First of all every day is different and not perfect. During this change there have still been the last minute runs up to a fast food joint. We live right in town and it is so easy to let the day slip away and realize at 7:45 that I am hungry and exhausted (what a way to refuel and nourish ourselves, huh?!) I also made spaghetti with meat sauce the other night. I used regular pasta that I had left in the pantry. Better than Wendy's!
We eat eggs for breakfast. Jasmine rice. Chicken. Beef. Fish Vegetable Stir fry. Fruit. Peanut butter. Ezekial bread. (info here)We still use flour tortillas. They are just so convienent. It doesn't sound very fun. Most days it isn't. I've been searcing all of my cookbooks and food magazines for meals that are grain free or that I can make grain free. Then of course there is the ever-inspiring blogland. Nourished Kitchen and Elana's Pantry are two of my favorites right now. Thai cooking, THANK GOD, involves mostly meat and vegetables. The rice is always optional.
I feel one of my main responsibilities as a wife and mother right now is to provide wholesome meals for my family. There is an extreme amount of guilt I let myself feel when it doesn't happen and I've let it slow me down for to long. This morning I woke up at 4:45 AM after falling asleep praying for guidance on practical ways I can be a better wife. Cameron rarely eats breakfast and will often skip lunch. He works at least 45-60 hours a week and never expects me to make meals for him. He rarely stops to get something at a restuarant or drive thru the days he misses lunch (which is a usually a result of one of us forgetting to pack left overs) This makes me feel like such a failure. He had to leave by 5:30, so I whipped up a quick breakfast.
Our breakfast this morning was:
1 pastured egg cooked in coconut oil
1 slice of cinnamon raisin Ezekial Bread with butter
1 small glass of raw milk
1 teaspoon of cod liver oil (Omega-3's)
It was a small success that I'm feeling really good about. I wish you could have seen the exchange of looks when I put the teaspoon of cod liver oil in his face. "What's that?" "Cod liver oil" Blank stare. "It's not as bad as think it will be." Gulp! Another blank stare. :-)
The problem is....I really enjoy baking. I mean, my life dream is to own a bakery/boutique. So this just sucks. I am not very happy about it, but I try to focus on all of the deliscious foods that are still good for my body. Butter, coconut oil (I'm obsessed with this stuff) meat, seafood, fruit, vegetables.
I also plan on venturing into traditional bread making (using sprouted flour), fermenting foods, and learning to make indulgent desserts with better ingredients. I know it will be challenging and fun in it's own way, but have I mentioned how old it gets having to fight to eat right???? When everything you thought was okay is not okay. I know it's silly to whine and cry over not being able to make pasta the way my grandparents (dad's side) showed me. I have the chance to change my family's health. If I'm going to live long, I want to live.
My body is a gift from God, a temple, a vessel to lead others to love. I am my husband's helper. My daughter and son are also gifts given to me to nourish and grow, so they can do the same. And I will take good care of us.
Sunset in paradise.
Such wise words! Sounds like you are on a really good path. I bet your husband was so blessed with that wonderful breakfast!! I really like your blog and have enjoyed reading over your posts!