Monday, July 11, 2011

Tot School

My plan of attack for keeping Stella stimulated and occupied while I adjust to being a mommy of two is Tot School. We are planning on homeschooling, so I figured it couldn't hurt to get in a flexible routine now. I wanted an eclectic learning system centered around play. I also needed it to be affordable and adaptable. I came across the blog 1 + 1 + 1 = 1 while browsing home school blogs for pre-school ''curriculum" and after spending hours on her site ooohing and ahhing over all the fantastic ideas I decided Tot School was the perfect match for us.

Instead of me going into great detail I'll let Carisa do the talking. Here's her FAQ page and the answer to "What is  Tot School?" It's basically what many moms already do on a daily basis...playing, reading and introducing fun activities. I'm just choosing to have a little more structure, adding a little extra push on developing skills, and labeling it "school."

The idea I was most intrigued by are Tot Trays. In a nutshell, a set of plastic trays with specific "Montessori inspired" activities for each tray. They are stocked with new activities on a regular basis and set up with easy access for Stella. If you link over there are pictures of her set up. My explanation really does no justice.

This weekend, we took the family to Old Time Pottery in search of trays. I was trying to avoid ordering online. We scored the PERFECT sized trays for $1.50 each. I've been stocking up on craft supplies and whole life really, but more intently the past few weeks. Target dollar spot, dollar store, craft stores, etc. I recycle all kinds of things around the house that I'll be using.

I haven't gotten everything set up. It will definitely be a work in progress for a while, but here is some of our progress:.


  1. Very nice! I love the tray idea. The boys go to a private school but I also work with them at home espacially durning summer vacay! Thank you for sharing!


  2. You're an awesome Mom.
