Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Maternity Photo Series Debut

While pregnant with Stella I took pictures to track my growing baby bump. I didn't get really into it because I hated getting pictures taken of myself. My hair was at an awkward length due to growing it out. It took forever for me to actually start showing because I'm not super tiny. My whole belly was plagued with stretch marks halfway through. I also lost any sense of style. I hated dressing myself. I wouldn't look in the mirror....it was horrible. When my wedding photographer showed up at my door to do a maternity shoot and was shocked. I had no make up on, my hair was pulled back into a mess, and I may as well have been wearing dirty rags.

This time, things are going to be different. My pessimist, depressed side tends to get more extreme than most while I'm growing a human. It's extremely hard for me to deal with gaining weight. The last thing I need are bigger boobs, butt, and hips. I have to learn to deal, so I'm going to force myself to do a simple photo shoot every week as I expand. Hair, make-up, wardrobe - the works! Cameron will be my photographer and Stella my adorable sidekick. I've been perusing thrift stores and clearance racks looking for treasures I can turn into maternity wear to prove you can be a hot mama on a super tight budget

My inspiration for this project came from Bleubird Vintage, one of my favorite blogs. Here is her set of photos and letters to their baby bird. We are no where near as talented as Miss James and her beau, but we're just happy to be able to provide ourselves and our little canaries with memories of our anticipation for their arrival.

Without further ado, the bump:
Not much to see so far
 Stella wanted to see what was going on under there.

 My apple!!

We were taking these just for fun. Trying to get Stella to give baby kisses.

Dear Canary Number Two,

I'm so excited about these next few months of having you all to myself! When your big sister was itty bitty she would coo all the time. It sounded like she was singing to me, so I started calling her my coo coo canary. You might have a different pet name, but for now you will also be a canary. I'm sure you can hear your sister all day keeping things exciting. I can' wait until we can feel and see you move so she realizes you are there. We heard your heartbeat for the first time last week, and it was perfect.

Love you!

1 comment:

  1. Love it. I didn't take any belly pictures with Brody or this one. I'm right with you. Super self conscious. Oh, well.

    You go girl for being braver than I. haha
