Friday, May 14, 2010

Visitors in the Garden

Good and bad. The bad are stink bugs ruining my tomatoes. Among others....leafhoppers, aphids, and cabbage worms. The damage isn't extensive, but I'm trying my hardest to not spray anything.

On the other hand,this morning I saw 4 wasps eating a bad bug breakfast :-) A few days ago I saw a lacewing, but I accidentally sprayed him with my homemade insecticidal soap. I'm not sure whether or not he survived. I'm just happy that I"m attracting beneficials.

Other helpful visitors include my brother and momma.This was two weeks ago, so the plants are 3 times bigger than this!  I'll have a better update hopefully tomorrow.


  1. I can't believe how much everything has grown since this picture!

  2. Your garden is so pretty! And I'm loving Stella's mask. :) Watch your tomatoes close too, b/c in this area there's something (can't remember what it was) that takes over and kills them.

  3. Beautiful Garden, Beautiful Family!

    Is that my old Indians shirt? Does it have a 6 on the back? hahaha! I hope so, because I haven't seen it in years, and I'd be happy if it went to you and not to Anthony, like I thought it did. :P
